The grand racial aristocracy
The international order appeared to be one thing, but it’s something else. Better learn its rules.
Racial Aristocracy: Nearly every polity in Asia, Africa, and the Americas was destroyed at least once by European colonialists who built an ideological edifice to rationalize their rule. Europeans, led by Anglo-America, taught this ideology - racism - to themselves and their colonial subjects. In their world view, the earth belongs naturally to the superior races, who needn’t respect law, truth, or life when dealing with their inferiors.
Sovereign States: Over a long struggle, many colonized peoples expelled their colonizers and tried to build states strong enough to defend themselves. Postcolonial states joined international covenants and institutions like the UN in the hopes that it could protect their futures from new waves of depredations. In the international order they thought they were building, concepts like sovereignty, territorial integrity, and international law were enshrined as an answer to colonialism.
But the former colonizers still have most of the power and their plan is to roll things all the way back. Better learn the rules they plan to impose.
“Grand Racial Aristocracy”
At the beginning of the 20th century a group of conspirators from Britain, the US, Canada, and South Africa, the Anglo-American Establishment as described by Carroll Quigley, advanced a plan for the world domination of their “master race”. The ringleader of the project was Alfred Milner, whose proteges, called “Milner’s Kindergarten”, filled all the important positions of England at the height of imperialism. Milner described himself as “an Imperialist and not a Little Englander, because I am a British Race Patriot.”
The geopolitical concept of these men was to embroil the Eurasian continent in perpetual war, explained by imperialist theorists Alfred Thayer Mahan and Halford Mackinder; the economic concept was to plunder the resources of colonized Africa (one of them, Schreiner, wrote in 1923 that “all white nations have regarded Africans mainly as a means of producing or procuring wealth.”), Oceania, Asia, and the Americas using colonial methods, explained best by anti-imperialists Lenin and Hobson. Racial conspirators were more public about it then than they are now. Hitler imbibed their concepts so well that his famous book was a love letter to them.
The most direct statement of their vision for the world was articulated by racialist Jan Smuts at a speech in Kimberly before the Great War. Smuts would later become a WWI strategist for Britain and still later one of the leaders of apartheid South Africa. Before all that, he celebrated colonialism: “as the new world is the home of popular democracy, so the mission of the Newer World - if I may use the term - is a grand racial aristocracy.” They believed in progress in history: If popular democracy was a high stage of civilization, racial aristocracy was an even higher stage.
And a racial aristocracy is exactly what they built. It is the world order we live in. Understood properly, it’s not a world of double standards. There’s no hypocrisy at all: the supreme good is upholding the racial hierarchy, and any other ethical frameworks are secondary.
Dan Freeman-Maloy described Anglo racial theorist John Buchan’s work in an article in Race & Class called “Remembering Balfour”. Dan describes how Buchan wrote a series of adventure novels starring the character Richard Hannay. In the novel Greenmantle, Hannay says the British are ‘the only race that can produce men capable of getting inside the skin of remote peoples.’ The book sold 34,000 copies in 1916. In another book, one of Buchan’s characters says: “I define Imperialism as the closer organic connection under one Crown of a number of autonomous nations of the same blood, who can spare something of their vitality for the administration of vast tracts inhabited by lower races, – a racial aristocracy considered in their relation to the subject peoples, a democracy in their relation to each other.” He also said: “Remember, our democracy is a white man’s democracy, and we are not moved by any foolish Rousseauism about the rights of man.”
Today there are people working for the dismantling of a postcolonial state like Syria on the basis of authoritarianism or human rights violations - criticisms that can apply to any state. Whether by support for partition, Turkish conquest goals, Israel’s expansionism, Takfiri sectarianism, or American theft of resources, the end result is good work for the racial aristocracy.
Genocide is a tool of the racial aristocracy and they use it without hesitation or conscience. When committing genocide in Africa, German racial aristocrat von Trotha gave a signed extermination order. He said at the outset of the war with the Africans he was genociding that their ‘uprising is and remains the beginning of a racial struggle’. Chief of the German General Staff Schlieffen, who came up with the plan to invade France through Belgium, wrote of von Trotha that 'He wants to exterminate the whole nation or drive it out of the country. In this, we can only agree with him ... Once racial war breaks out it can only finish with the annihilation of one of the parties.' Other German theorists laid down all the elements of Western genocidal thinking - applied vigorously now by the Israelis - at the end of the 19th century. Friedrich Ratzel made a geographical theory about the “struggle for existence” of the races and the search for “Lebensraum” - and founded the German colonial society.
Ratzel believed that inferior races must be actively destroyed by superior races - his successful examples: North America, New Zealand, Australia - and South Brazil.
In 1912 a German named Rohrbach wrote a book called German World Policies, which made arguments you could read in pro-Israel twitter, the WSJ, or an Israeli news site: “It is not right either among nations or among individuals that people who can create nothing should have a claim to preservation. No false philanthropy or race-theory can prove to reasonable people that the preservation of any tribe of nomadic South African Kaffirs … is more important for the future of mankind than the expansion of the great European nations, or the white race as a whole. Should the German people renounce the chance of growing stronger and of securing elbow room for their sons and daughters, because … some tribe of Negroes … has lived its useless existence on a strip of land where ten thousand German families may have a flourishing existence and thus strengthen the very sap of our people?”
In 1907, he published German Colonial Commerce: ‘In order to secure the peaceful White settlement against the bad, culturally inept and predatory native tribe, it is possible that its actual eradication may become necessary under certain conditions.’
Apparently this is a world of international law, international courts, and a genocide convention, a United Nations Security Council that can pass resolutions that stop countries in their tracks. All are set aside if the racial aristocrats want to commit a genocide or violate the law. Anti-terrorist police are used to seize the electronic devices of ordinary journalists like Asa Winstanley while UK officials meet with the leader of an organization on their own terrorist list.
Sovereignty and territorial integrity is suspended…
… if the racial aristocrats want to redraw the map of Syria and invoke conquest to do it.
Criminal law does not apply to our racial aristocrats: it is they who define crime and dish out punishments. By definition they cannot be criminals.
Crimes on the books? Torture? Murder? Rape? All are permissible if committed by the right people and in the cause of upholding the actual world order of racism and genocide. So no, the law does not apply to all. It is just another instrument in the hands of our rulers.
The law is a marvelous tool indeed, but it’s the power over the truth that the racial aristocrats especially appreciate: what is true is what they say it is. They define “terrorism”, they define “racism” and “antisemitism”, teaching these things from childhood school textbooks to legacy and social media.
They tell lies to test our loyalty to them. The atrocity propaganda they use to justify the genocide, the lies about “human shields” they repeat after every massacre in this genocide: it is not up to us to judge their truth or falsity, it is up to them to judge us based on how intensely we express that we believe them.
Professionalism and its standards for truth are secondary to racialist loyalty. Journalistic, academic, or scientific methods for finding truth are useful but so is overriding them to uphold racial rule. Debunking lies is allowed, but only when it’s too late to make a difference. Interfering with any aspect of an ongoing genocide is a crime, whether it is through trying to boycott, trying to debunk atrocity propaganda, or trying to stop the flow of weapons.
Shiny Objects
It’s been a grand year for the grand racial aristocracy. They’ve genocided Palestine and destroyed Syria. The Israelis have targeted Iran for destruction; the Americans are aiming at Russia and then China. While it’s true that the West’s rivals are building hypersonic weapons and miraculous technologies, corridors and win-win business relationships, what do these matter when the Anglo-Americans “get into the skin of remote peoples”? Racial aristocrats convince the very people they’re destroying to do their fighting and their building for them. Iranian strategy is patient and thoughtful, Russian arms are fearsome, and the Chinese economy is without rival now. None of that will matter if they can be regime-changed and convinced to self-destruct or intimidated into retreat and self-sabotage.
Russia and China have said that they want to replace the US-centric world with a multipolar one of win-win deals, shared prosperity, common security, the UN charter, and international law. To the Anglo-Americans, these things are nothing but shiny objects to fool the stupid lower orders of the world. To them, we are dirt: the only rules left are those imposed on us by those who believe they rule by racial right.
As for those who work to destroy postcolonial states: they serve the racial aristocracy very well.
Thank you for this post. 2024 has indeed been a great year for the "grand racial aristocracy." Meanwhile, I loved this comment: << Hitler imbibed their concepts so well that his famous book was a love letter to them. >>
I want to commend you for this powerful analysis of the enduring impact of colonialism on global power structures, particularly the way racial and ethnic supremacy continues to shape the modern political and economic order. The notion of a "grand racial aristocracy" and the persistent, underlying racism within Western-dominated systems are ideas that resonate deeply with me, as they reflect not only historical realities but the lived experiences of many who continue to bear the barbaric consequences of these structures today (think Palestinians).
You capture the brutal truth of how colonial powers, particularly Anglo-America, justified their global dominance through a deeply entrenched belief in their racial superiority. As you aptly put it, “The earth belongs naturally to the superior races,” a sentiment that still informs much of the geopolitics and economic inequalities we see today.
This crucial insight illuminates the core psychological drivers of the immorality and brazen depravity that characterize modern Western-dominated systems. These systems, rooted in historical oppression, continue to thrive on a worldview that dehumanizes and exploits those deemed "inferior."
The article’s importance lies not just in uncovering this historical injustice but in exposing how it remains an enduring force in shaping today’s sick and depraved global order. I plan to expand on these ideas in a forthcoming article of my own, as I believe the psychology of racial and ethnic supremacy is at the heart of much of the immorality that governs our world today. Understanding this is essential, as it reveals the deep-seated drivers of inequality and the continuing exploitation that we must confront and challenge if we are to create a truly just and equitable global system.
Thank you again for the article!