Zionists resort to horrible anti-Jewish stereotypes and imagery at the drop of a hat
Part 7 on Zionism as an anti-Jewish ideology
This one is less a flowing argument and more of a short, extremely non-comprehensive litany of horrid anti-Jewish abuse from Zionists.
If it was upsetting that the Jerusalem Post would declare those Jews deemed anti-Israel to be “herem”, wait until you see the anti-Jewish stereotypes and imagery that Zionists go-to as a first resort when justifying an Israeli attack on Gaza.
On Henry Kissinger’s 100th birthday, the Jewish Daily Forward published the remarks of a man whose diplomatic efforts did more for Israel than many other US officials. Kissinger is reported to have said: “If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic… Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”
“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic… Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.” — Henry Kissinger
The Zionist worship of power, and contempt for Jewish people based on a stereotype of their weakness, is apparent in Kissinger’s remark.
Cartoonist Eli Valley reported some comments by twitter owner Elon Musk who, after visiting PM Netanyahu in Israel said that "massive demonstrations for Hamas in every major city in the West" were ‘funded by naive Jewish philanthropists who support movements seeking their own annihilation.’ Valley called this a “basic tenet of Zionist antisemitism.”
Elsewhere, a group of Orthodox Jews holding a Palestinian flag on a sidewalk were approached by an elderly Zionist who told them “Hitler made one big mistake. You should have all been put in gas chambers.”
As they prepared for the ground invasion of Gaza in late October 2023, the Israeli Army took a photo of the Torah with a knife on it.
Commenting on this photo, US-based Jewish activist Morgan Artykukhina explained in a tweet: “A sefer Torah is so sacred that Jews treat it almost (but not quite) equivalent to a human life. Jews have died to save Torah scrolls from danger, Muslims literally called us "people of the book" b/c of our love for our Torah. Placing an instrument of death upon it is a threat.”
Elsewhere on twitter, Artykukhina argued that diaspora Jews don’t owe Zionism any loyalty since - as you have learned reading this series so far - Zionists hold them in contempt: “Israel doesn't deserve the support it gets from the Jewish diaspora. Israeli Zionists hate us & haven't hesitated to use the same old antisemitic tropes against us to cast themselves as "reborn" from being lowly & pathetic diaspora Jews.”
Artykukhina screenshotted an excerpt of “We are Not One”, which included quote from Zionists Joseph Chaim Brenner who called diaspora Jews “Gypsies and filthy dogs”, A.D. Gordon describing diaspora life as the “parasitism of a fundamentally useless people”, Jabotinsky calling them “ugly, sickly kids” and calling on Zionists to “eliminate the Diaspora or the Diaspora will eliminate you”. A.B. Yehoshua told American Jews they were “playing with Jewishness” ‘while Israelis lived it every day’.
A Zionist threat against pro-Palestine supporters serves as another example of Zionists using a horrid anti-Jewish stereotype. “If you keep saying ‘free Palestine’, us Jews are gonna take it, we love free stuff.”
When in 2016 the US ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, said that Israel had different legal standards for Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, one of Netanyahu’s former aides called Shapiro a “little Jewboy”.
Demeaning the victims of the Nazi genocide, one Israeli politician in December called for Israel to make Gaza “look like Auschwitz”.
We conclude with the winner, the worst example so far:
In 2015, a settler group called the Samaria Council used Nazi imagery to criticize the Israeli left in a cartoon. They didn’t apologize afterwards.
Here are some images in case you skip watching the cartoon. The plot of the 2-minute cartoon is: one Mr. Sturmer is reading what is obviously the Ha’aretz newspaper, and asks “The Jew” (Israeli left-wing human rights groups) to provide him with evidence that can be used against Israel. He tosses “The Jew” a coin, and the cycle repeats until eventually he tells “The Jew” to “take care of himself”, at which point “The Jew” hangs himself as well.
This is hate speech. It isn’t acceptable because it is phrased in first-person plural as “us Jews”. It is an indictment of the anti-Jewish ideology that produced it. That ideology is Zionism.