Many years ago, as an undergrad, I was very, very late completing a history essay on the Origins of National Socialism because the subject material kept spilling beyond the borders of Germany proper. The importance of mass communications technology for Nazi Propaganda didn’t seem so unique when I learned what American and European governments, as well as the Soviets, were up to in their own right. An examination of the Hitler Youth brought me to the English origins of the Boy Scouts (and evoked my own childhood with youth sports.) Books such as Canetti’s Crowds and Power helped me read Huxley’s Brave New World and appreciate that mass society was very much Yeats' Bethlehem bound beast, and that the Nazis, though not inevitable, were not a new example of the old idea of spontaneous generation. What started as a naive effort to “understand what happened in Germany so I can be part of the fight against fascism here in the US,” became something that requires a much wider understanding of modern history. And now you have pointed me in the direction of much more worth understanding! Thank you again for this series!

And to think – how rightfully horrified so many of us were a short time ago when Pro-Ukraine war fervor demanded that people be open to a little revisionist history about Nazism! So many certainties about the 20th Century seem unlikely to survive, and I am firm in my belief that Moshe Keren’s fear that “[a trial of Kastner] would poison the air above us” was unfounded. More complete history will help us breathe instead.

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Harpal Brar ex-chair of the UK Communist Party wrote a pamphlet along the same theme some years ago. It's been a regular item at booths run by the party. However recently the UK police arrested Harpal's son and some other party members for distribution of the text.

https://shop.thecommunists.org/product/zionism-racist-antisemitic-reactionary-tool-imperialism-2017/ (link to party books store)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zks8QzZFmN0 (Press TV coverage on arrest)

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That is amazing that you can get arrested in the UK for distributing a pamphlet about historical connections between Zionism and Nazism.

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I just read the pamphlet, which was meticulous. Thanks for the link. I hadn't understood the importance of Lenni Brenner's work though I'd seen it mentioned. I got those books now too.

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Not relevant to this blog post, but heard your recent podcast, the brief. FYI, many overlooked the offer by Russia via FS Lavrov to build and run hospital in Gaza. This actually is big, Israel can piss on Jakarta's hospital in Gaza, but no way they can afford to bomb any Russian build and run hospital and get off for free. This would be a whole different can of worms when compared to the shenanigans that Israel did in Syria, which were indirect acts against Russian military.

Also, it's pretty clear to me why the IDF executed those 3 captives who escaped. Why risk those 3 guys showing up fat and happy with the proper treatment they would have received, and worse yet, if they were angry/had an agenda against the administration and on TV started to paint a picture about how well they were treated just like some of the other captives who were released earlier. The act of those captives(edit, released earlier by Hamas) to paint Hamas as humane doomed them, and any future releases are no longer going to be negotiated. Better for Netanyahu and Smotrich if all captives die/ so they will have them killed by snipers if they can't drown or gas them.

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Rank amateur who've lost any love for their hobby, no wonder they stick to bombing from afar.

I think I'm spot on that they don't want to have to deal with shutting up the hostages, keeping them out of the spotlight so it's better to kill them.

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