I was 14 when NATO attacked Yugoslavia and a German friend of mine had an uncle visit around the same time who was NATO special forces. For a long time, I think because I met this guy and he seemed decent, I was confused about the war (was Milosevic a genocidal maniac or what?). As I got older, I assumed that something nefarious happened to Yugoslavia, but it always took a backseat to other history I felt like I needed to catch up on. This article completely cleared up any lingering confusion I had. Thanks for writing!

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Excellent succinct piece!

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Another great piece. Thanks.

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This past year I (now with some regret to say the least) was enrolled in a masters program on IR, and the Balkan Wars of the 90s were one of the units covered in one of my courses. Needless to say, while I would certainly expect such from a liberal institution, it was frustrating seeing all the material focus on "the Serbs" as the primary instigator and with no discussion of the US/NATOs active role in the country's dismemberment. Looking forward to those USSR newsletters!

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I visited Yugoslavia in 1969.

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